Tuesday 18 August 2009

Marathon training

Hi everyone, it's great news! Me and my mate Sam, decided to take part in next year's half marathon in Brighton*. To the sceptics among you, yes, I realize it's only a half-marathon and it doesn't sound quite as impressive as a marathon, but it's a start.
Here's some history: I used to dislike (well, to be completely frank, I absolutely despised) running. I used to have that typical teenage joint thing- to keep up with the rest of the body my bones grew too fast, so they were not an example of strength. Put simply, running was a pain. While at uni I had no other option but to take up running since I could not get my hands on a decent bike for a while. On the other hand, Sam had some previous experience. During our first year, we would go jogging in the woods right next to our house every now and then- the hills around Brighton are amazing. Seriously, I highly recommend visiting the South Downs if you haven't done it by now- it's a one-of experience.

It's decided now, Sam's made a bet with his brother, I've promised myself I will do it as a part of the long term self-development plan**. No turning back at this point. So, anyone up for the challenge? We're looking for a running (and drinking, or course) mate, ideally based in Brighton, starting October 2009. Also we'd love to get in touch with people with more experience in the are, so if you are one post a comment or contact me using the form on the right.

**My friend Verena has a thing or two to to say about self-development, check her out at www.selfdev.org

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that you're doing this and I would certainly try it as well, if my health was better.
    Also thanks for the referrer (how about making it a link so that the search engines follow it). Would you like to exchange blog roll links? :)
